tiggersWelt.net is a small Internet-Service-Provider (ISP) located in Germany that is developing his own Hosting-Plattform. There are several other projects related to this platform and some stuff done by its employees as a hobby.
This website offers you a small selection of this software for your own personal use.
tiggerXMPP is a Jabber/XMPP-Library written in PHP. It is capable of both client- and component-mode and can easily be adapted for other projects or extensions.
phOscar is a fast growing library for sending messages through PHP-Applications to AOL's ICQ/AIM-Service using the OSCAR-Protocol.
svnBrowse is a small proof of concept on how to use the native SVN-Extension for PHP.
mod_dvb is a very pre-mature extension for the apache-webserver used to stream a dvb-c source via HTTP. Use it with caution and expect some errors and issues.
The OpenVPN Proxy is a small application that transcodes an OpenVPN-Connection that is made via HTTP into UDP. This allows you to run an OpenVPN-Server with UDP and providing TCP-Access at the same time.
transocks_ev is similar to the OpenVPN Proxy although it is used at the same project at tiggersWelt.net. It is a libevent-based fork of "transocks" (just google for it) that allows transparently to redirect any TCP/IP-Connection to a SOCKS5-capable Proxy-Server via iptables.
phpEvents tries to implement an easy-to-use interface for
PHP-Applications to handle a huge number of parallel streams.
It provides a wrapper around the libevent-PECL-Extension but
features also an own implementation for environments where
libevent is not available.
No one likes writing user-interfaces! twIf is an OOP-based approach written in PHP to avoid the need of writing GUIs by using an abstract object- and interface-declaration.