* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . **/ require_once ('qcEvents/Interface/Consumer.php'); require_once ('qcEvents/Trait/Hookable.php'); /** * Ogg Streams * ----------- * Read a physical Ogg-Stream and split it into its logical streams * * @class qcEvents_Stream_Ogg * @extends qcEvents_Event * @package qcEvents * @revision 02 * @author Bernd Holzmueller **/ class qcEvents_Stream_Ogg implements qcEvents_Interface_Consumer { use qcEvents_Trait_Hookable; /* Quirk-Mode */ private $tolerateQuirks = false; /* Perform CRC-Checking */ private $checkCRC = true; /* Internal buffer for the stream */ private $Buffer = ''; /* Internal representation of streams */ private $Streams = array (); /* Group-Detection */ private $streamGroup = array (); /* Last parsed packet was a stream that started */ private $streamAdded = false; /* Initialization-Callback */ private $initCallback = null; // {{{ consume /** * Consume a set of data * * @param mixed $Data * @param qcEvents_Interface_Source $Source * * @access public * @return void **/ public function consume ($Data, qcEvents_Interface_Source $Source) { // Append to internal buffer $this->Buffer .= $Data; $l = strlen ($this->Buffer); $p = 0; unset ($Data); // Check if we are initializing if ($this->initCallback) { // Check if the first bytes denote an Ogg-Stream-Packet $Status = (substr ($this->Buffer, 0, 4) == 'OggS'); // Check wheter we should accept quirks if (!$Status && $this->tolerateQuirks) { // Check if there is a stream-header in the buffer (but not at start) if (($p = strpos ($this->Buffer, 'OggS', 1)) === false) return; // Override the old status $Status = true; } // Raise the initial callback if ($Status) $this->___raiseCallback ($this->initCallback [0], $Status, $this->initCallback [1]); else $this->deinitConsumer ($Source); $this->initCallback = null; if (!$Status) return; } while (($p = strpos ($this->Buffer, 'OggS', $p)) !== false) { // Read the Ogg-Header # $Version = ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 4]); $Type = ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 5]); $Position = (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 6])) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 7]) << 8) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 8]) << 16) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 9]) << 24) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 10]) * 4294967296) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 11]) * 1099511627776) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 12]) * 281474976710656) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 13]) * 18014398509481984); $Serial = (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 14])) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 15]) << 8) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 16]) << 16) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 17]) << 24); $Sequence = (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 18])) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 19]) << 8) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 20]) << 16) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 21]) << 24); $CRC = (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 22])) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 23]) << 8) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 24]) << 16) + (ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 25]) << 24); $Segments = ord ($this->Buffer [$p + 26]); // Determine end of segment-table $PS = $PE = $p + 27 + $Segments; if ($PE > $l) break; // Read the segment-table for ($i = $p + 27; $i < $PS; $i++) $PE += ord ($this->Buffer [$i]); if ($PE > $l) break; // Check the CRC if ($this->checkCRC) { $Page = substr ($this->Buffer, $p, $PE - $p); // Remove the current CRC-Value $Page [22] = "\x00"; $Page [23] = "\x00"; $Page [24] = "\x00"; $Page [25] = "\x00"; if ($CRC != $this->crc ($Page)) { // Bail out an error $this->___callback ('oggCRCError'); // Just move to the next possible OggS-Marker $p -= 4; continue; } } // Check if a new stream is started if (($Type & 0x02) == 0x02) { // Create the stream if (!isset ($this->Streams [$Serial])) { $this->Streams [$Serial] = array ( 'Sequence' => $Sequence, 'Position' => 0, 'Buffer' => '', ); $this->streamGroup [$Serial] = $Serial; $this->___callback ('oggStreamStarted', $Serial); // Check if the stream is already started } else trigger_error ('Starting a stream that is already started?!'); $this->streamAdded = true; // Handle stream-group-detection } elseif ($this->streamAdded) { // Check if this is a group if (count ($this->Streams) > 1) $this->___callback ('oggStreamGroupStarted', $tihs->streamGroup); $this->streamAdded = false; } // Make sure we have a stream if (!isset ($this->Streams [$Serial])) { trigger_error ('Packet without stream started'); $p = $PE; continue; } // Check if a packet is missing if ($Sequence - $this->Streams [$Serial]['Sequence'] > 1) for ($i = $this->Streams [$Serial]['Sequence'] + 1; $i < $Sequence; $i++) $this->___callback ('oggStreamPacketLost', $Serial, $i); $this->Streams [$Serial]['Sequence'] = $Sequence; // Extract the payload $Payload = substr ($this->Buffer, $PS, $PE - $PS); // Check if this is final packet of a stream if (($Type & 0x04) == 0x04) { // Write out the last packet if (($Type & 0x01) == 0x01) { if (strlen ($this->Streams [$Serial]['Buffer']) > 0) { $Payload = $this->Streams [$Serial]['Buffer'] . $Payload; $Position = $this->Streams [$Serial]['Position']; } else trigger_error ('Continue-Packet without buffered data'); // Flush the buffer } elseif (strlen ($this->Streams [$Serial]['Buffer']) > 0) $this->___callback ('oggStreamPacket', $Serial, $this->Streams [$Serial]['Position'], $this->Streams [$Serial]['Buffer']); // Write out the last packet $this->___callback ('oggStreamPacket', $Serial, $Position, $Payload); // Fire a callback $this->___callback ('oggStreamFinished', $Serial); // Remove the stream unset ($this->Streams [$Serial]); // Check if there are no more streams active an we were a group if ((count ($this->Streams) == 0) && (count ($this->streamGroup) > 1)) $this->___callback ('oggStreamGroupFinished', $tihs->streamGroup); $this->streamGroup = array (); // Handle normal packets } elseif (($Type & 0x01) == 0x01) { if (strlen ($this->Streams [$Serial]['Buffer']) == 0) { trigger_error ('Continue-Packet without data on buffer'); $this->Streams [$Serial]['Position'] = $Position; } $this->Streams [$Serial]['Buffer'] .= $Payload; } else { // Write out pending packets if (strlen ($this->Streams [$Serial]['Buffer']) > 0) $this->___callback ('oggStreamPacket', $Serial, $this->Streams [$Serial]['Position'], $this->Streams [$Serial]['Buffer']); // Put the new packet onto buffer $this->Streams [$Serial]['Position'] = $Position; $this->Streams [$Serial]['Buffer'] = $Payload; } // Move forward $p = $PE; } // Truncate the buffer if ($p > 0) $this->Buffer = substr ($this->Buffer, $p); } // }}} // {{{ close /** * Close this event-interface * * @param callable $Callback (optional) Callback to raise once the interface is closed * @param mixed $Private (optional) Private data to pass to the callback * * @access public * @return void **/ public function close (callable $Callback = null, $Private = null) { # TODO: Unpipe from our parent source/stream // Raise a callback for this $this->___callback ('oggFinished'); // Reset our state $this->resetState (); } // }}} // {{{ crc /** * Calculate Ogg-CRC * * @param string $Data * * @access private * @return int **/ private function crc ($Data) { static $lookup = array ( 0x00000000, 0x04c11db7, 0x09823b6e, 0x0d4326d9, 0x130476dc, 0x17c56b6b, 0x1a864db2, 0x1e475005, 0x2608edb8, 0x22c9f00f, 0x2f8ad6d6, 0x2b4bcb61, 0x350c9b64, 0x31cd86d3, 0x3c8ea00a, 0x384fbdbd, 0x4c11db70, 0x48d0c6c7, 0x4593e01e, 0x4152fda9, 0x5f15adac, 0x5bd4b01b, 0x569796c2, 0x52568b75, 0x6a1936c8, 0x6ed82b7f, 0x639b0da6, 0x675a1011, 0x791d4014, 0x7ddc5da3, 0x709f7b7a, 0x745e66cd, 0x9823b6e0, 0x9ce2ab57, 0x91a18d8e, 0x95609039, 0x8b27c03c, 0x8fe6dd8b, 0x82a5fb52, 0x8664e6e5, 0xbe2b5b58, 0xbaea46ef, 0xb7a96036, 0xb3687d81, 0xad2f2d84, 0xa9ee3033, 0xa4ad16ea, 0xa06c0b5d, 0xd4326d90, 0xd0f37027, 0xddb056fe, 0xd9714b49, 0xc7361b4c, 0xc3f706fb, 0xceb42022, 0xca753d95, 0xf23a8028, 0xf6fb9d9f, 0xfbb8bb46, 0xff79a6f1, 0xe13ef6f4, 0xe5ffeb43, 0xe8bccd9a, 0xec7dd02d, 0x34867077, 0x30476dc0, 0x3d044b19, 0x39c556ae, 0x278206ab, 0x23431b1c, 0x2e003dc5, 0x2ac12072, 0x128e9dcf, 0x164f8078, 0x1b0ca6a1, 0x1fcdbb16, 0x018aeb13, 0x054bf6a4, 0x0808d07d, 0x0cc9cdca, 0x7897ab07, 0x7c56b6b0, 0x71159069, 0x75d48dde, 0x6b93dddb, 0x6f52c06c, 0x6211e6b5, 0x66d0fb02, 0x5e9f46bf, 0x5a5e5b08, 0x571d7dd1, 0x53dc6066, 0x4d9b3063, 0x495a2dd4, 0x44190b0d, 0x40d816ba, 0xaca5c697, 0xa864db20, 0xa527fdf9, 0xa1e6e04e, 0xbfa1b04b, 0xbb60adfc, 0xb6238b25, 0xb2e29692, 0x8aad2b2f, 0x8e6c3698, 0x832f1041, 0x87ee0df6, 0x99a95df3, 0x9d684044, 0x902b669d, 0x94ea7b2a, 0xe0b41de7, 0xe4750050, 0xe9362689, 0xedf73b3e, 0xf3b06b3b, 0xf771768c, 0xfa325055, 0xfef34de2, 0xc6bcf05f, 0xc27dede8, 0xcf3ecb31, 0xcbffd686, 0xd5b88683, 0xd1799b34, 0xdc3abded, 0xd8fba05a, 0x690ce0ee, 0x6dcdfd59, 0x608edb80, 0x644fc637, 0x7a089632, 0x7ec98b85, 0x738aad5c, 0x774bb0eb, 0x4f040d56, 0x4bc510e1, 0x46863638, 0x42472b8f, 0x5c007b8a, 0x58c1663d, 0x558240e4, 0x51435d53, 0x251d3b9e, 0x21dc2629, 0x2c9f00f0, 0x285e1d47, 0x36194d42, 0x32d850f5, 0x3f9b762c, 0x3b5a6b9b, 0x0315d626, 0x07d4cb91, 0x0a97ed48, 0x0e56f0ff, 0x1011a0fa, 0x14d0bd4d, 0x19939b94, 0x1d528623, 0xf12f560e, 0xf5ee4bb9, 0xf8ad6d60, 0xfc6c70d7, 0xe22b20d2, 0xe6ea3d65, 0xeba91bbc, 0xef68060b, 0xd727bbb6, 0xd3e6a601, 0xdea580d8, 0xda649d6f, 0xc423cd6a, 0xc0e2d0dd, 0xcda1f604, 0xc960ebb3, 0xbd3e8d7e, 0xb9ff90c9, 0xb4bcb610, 0xb07daba7, 0xae3afba2, 0xaafbe615, 0xa7b8c0cc, 0xa379dd7b, 0x9b3660c6, 0x9ff77d71, 0x92b45ba8, 0x9675461f, 0x8832161a, 0x8cf30bad, 0x81b02d74, 0x857130c3, 0x5d8a9099, 0x594b8d2e, 0x5408abf7, 0x50c9b640, 0x4e8ee645, 0x4a4ffbf2, 0x470cdd2b, 0x43cdc09c, 0x7b827d21, 0x7f436096, 0x7200464f, 0x76c15bf8, 0x68860bfd, 0x6c47164a, 0x61043093, 0x65c52d24, 0x119b4be9, 0x155a565e, 0x18197087, 0x1cd86d30, 0x029f3d35, 0x065e2082, 0x0b1d065b, 0x0fdc1bec, 0x3793a651, 0x3352bbe6, 0x3e119d3f, 0x3ad08088, 0x2497d08d, 0x2056cd3a, 0x2d15ebe3, 0x29d4f654, 0xc5a92679, 0xc1683bce, 0xcc2b1d17, 0xc8ea00a0, 0xd6ad50a5, 0xd26c4d12, 0xdf2f6bcb, 0xdbee767c, 0xe3a1cbc1, 0xe760d676, 0xea23f0af, 0xeee2ed18, 0xf0a5bd1d, 0xf464a0aa, 0xf9278673, 0xfde69bc4, 0x89b8fd09, 0x8d79e0be, 0x803ac667, 0x84fbdbd0, 0x9abc8bd5, 0x9e7d9662, 0x933eb0bb, 0x97ffad0c, 0xafb010b1, 0xab710d06, 0xa6322bdf, 0xa2f33668, 0xbcb4666d, 0xb8757bda, 0xb5365d03, 0xb1f740b4 ); $reg = 0; $len = strlen ($Data); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) $reg = ($reg << 8) ^ $lookup [(($reg >> 24) & 0xff) ^ ord ($Data [$i])]; return $reg; } // }}} // {{{ initConsumer /** * Setup ourself to consume data from a source * * @param qcEvents_Interface_Source $Source * @param callable $Callback (optional) Callback to raise once the pipe is ready * @param mixed $Private (optional) Any private data to pass to the callback * * The callback will be raised in the form of * * function (qcEvents_Interface_Consumer $Self, bool $Status, mixed $Private = null) { } * * @access public * @return callable **/ public function initConsumer (qcEvents_Interface_Source $Source, callable $Callback = null, $Private = null) { // Reset ourself first $this->resetState (); // Raise a callback for this $this->___callback ('eventPiped', $Source); // Store the requested callback $this->initCallback = array ($Callback, $Private); } // }}} // {{{ initStreamConsumer /** * Setup ourself to consume data from a stream * * @param qcEvents_Interface_Source $Source * @param callable $Callback (optional) Callback to raise once the pipe is ready * @param mixed $Private (optional) Any private data to pass to the callback * * The callback will be raised in the form of * * function (qcEvents_Interface_Stream_Consumer $Self, bool $Status, mixed $Private = null) { } * * @access public * @return callable **/ public function initStreamConsumer (qcEvents_Interface_Stream $Source, callable $Callback = null, $Private = null) { // Reset ourself first $this->resetState (); // Raise a callback for this $this->___callback ('eventPipedStream', $Source); // Store the requested callback $this->initCallback = array ($Callback, $Private); } // }}} // {{{ deinitConsumer /** * Callback: A source was removed from this sink * * @param qcEvents_Interface_Source $Source * @param callable $Callback (optional) Callback to raise once the pipe is ready * @param mixed $Private (optional) Any private data to pass to the callback * * The callback will be raised in the form of * * function (qcEvents_Interface_Consumer $Self, bool $Status, mixed $Private = null) { } * * @access public * @return void **/ public function deinitConsumer (qcEvents_Interface_Source $Source, callable $Callback = null, $Private = null) { // Reset our state $this->resetState (); // Raise a callback for this $this->___callback ('eventUnpiped', $Source); $this->___raiseCallback ($Callback, true, $Private); } // }}} // {{{ resetState /** * Reset our internal state * * @access private * @return void **/ private function resetState () { if ($this->initCallback) $this->___raiseCallback ($this->initCallback [0], false, $this->initCallback [1]); $this->initCallback = null; $this->Buffer = ''; $this->Streams = array (); $this->streamGroup = array (); $this->streamAdded = false; } // }}} // {{{ oggFinished /** * Callback: Finished parsing the Ogg-Stream * * @access protected * @return void **/ protected function oggFinished () { } // }}} // {{{ oggStreamStarted /** * Callback: A new logical Ogg-Stream was started * * @param int $Serial * * @access protected * @return void **/ protected function oggStreamStarted ($Serial) { } // }}} // {{{ oggStreamFinished /** * Callback: A logical Ogg-Stream was finished * * @param int $Serial * * @access protected * @return void **/ protected function oggStreamFinished ($Serial) { } // }}} // {{{ oggStreamGroupStarted /** * Callback: A grouped stream is ready * * @param array $Serials * * @access protected * @return void **/ protected function oggStreamGroupStarted ($Serials) { } // }}} // {{{ oggStreamGroupFinished /** * Callback: A grouped stream was finished * * @param array $Serials * * @remark Do not forget that a stream might be chained! * * @access protected * @return void **/ protected function oggStreamGroupFinished ($Serials) { } // }}} protected function oggStreamPacket ($Serial, $Position, $Packet) { } // {{{ oggStreamPacketLost /** * Callback: A packet on a logical stream is missing * * @param int $Serial * @param int $Sequence * * @access protected * @return void **/ protected function oggStreamPacketLost ($Serial, $Sequence) { } // }}} // {{{ oggCRCError /** * Callback: A CRC-Error happened on the physical stream * * @remark No further information is provided as we do not * know what's valid here and what's not * * @access protected * @return void **/ protected function oggCRCError () { trigger_error ('CRC-Error on Ogg-Stream'); } // }}} } ?>