Type = $Type; $this->Name = $Name; $this->Value = $Value; } // }}} // {{{ generateControl /** * Generate a new control * * @param enum $Type Type of the control * @param string $Name Name of the control * @parem mixed $Value (optional) Default value for the control * * @remark May return other classes then twIf_Widget_Control in future * @access public * @return object **/ public static function generateControl ($Type, $Name, $Value = null) { return new twIf_Widget_Control ($Type, $Name, $Value); } // }}} // {{{ setValue /** * Set the default value for the control * * @param mixed $Value * * @access public * @return void **/ public function setValue ($Value) { $this->Value = $Value; } // }}} // {{{ getValue /** * Retrive the assigned value for this control * * @access public * @return mixed **/ public function getValue () { return $this->Value; } // }}} // {{{ setItems /** * Set items for an enumeration-control * * @param array $Items key/value-pairs for control * * @access public * @return void **/ public function setItems ($Items) { if (!is_array ($Items)) return false; $this->Items = $Items; } // }}} // {{{ setAutoSubmit /** * Auto-Submit the form if this control was changed * * @param bool $Value * * @access public * @return void **/ public function setAutoSubmit ($Value) { $this->AutoSubmit = $Value; } // }}} // {{{ onChange /** * Execute this JS-Code upon changes * * @param string $Value * * @access public * @return void **/ public function onChange ($Value) { $this->onChange = $Value; } // }}} // {{{ generate /** * Create HTML-Code for this control * * @access public * @return string **/ public function generate () { $JS = ''; if ($this->AutoSubmit) { #if ($this->Type == self::TYPE_ENUM) # $ev = 'onchange'; #elseif ($this->Type == self::TYPE_ENUM_LIST) # $ev = 'onclick'; #else # $ev = ''; #onblur'; # #if ($ev != '') # $JS .= ' ' . $ev . '="this.form.submit();"'; if ($this->Type == self::TYPE_ENUM_LIST) $JS .= ' onclick="this.form.submit();"'; elseif (($this->Type == self::TYPE_ENUM) && ($this->onChange == '')) $JS .= ' onchange="this.form.submit();"'; } if ($this->onChange != '') $JS .= ' onchange="' . $this->onChange . ($AutoSubmit && ($this->Type == self::TYPE_ENUM) ? '; this.form.submit();' : '') . '"'; switch ($this->Type) { case self::TYPE_BOOL_CHECKBOX: return 'Value!= 0 ? ' checked="1"' : '') . $JS . ' />'; case self::TYPE_BOOL: return 'Value != 0 ? ' checked="1"' : '') . $JS . ' /> ' . ' ' . 'Value == 0 ? ' checked="1"' : '') . $JS . ' /> ' . ''; case self::TYPE_ENUM_LIST: $buf = ''; foreach ($this->Items as $Key=>$Val) $buf .= '

' . 'Value == $Key ? 'checked="1" ' : '') . '/> ' . '' . "

\n"; return $buf; case self::TYPE_ENUM: $buf = ''; case self::TYPE_SET: require_once ('twIf/widget/table.php'); return twIf_Widget_Table::generateTable ($this->Items, array ('Element' => '__toString()'), array (), array (), false, true); case self::TYPE_TEXTAREA: return ''; case self::TYPE_UPLOAD: return ''; case self::TYPE_UPDOWNLOAD: return '' . '
'; case self::TYPE_PASSWORD: return ''; case self::TYPE_DATETIME: case self::TYPE_DATETIME_FUTURE: if (!is_numeric ($this->Value)) $val = strtotime ($this->Value); else $val = $this->Value; if (($val != false) && ($val != null)) { $Hour = date ('H', $val); $Minute = date ('i', $val); $Second = date ('s', $val); } else { $Hour = null; $Minute = null; $Second = null; } $buf = ':: ' . twIf_i18n::getText ("o'clock") . '
'; case self::TYPE_DATE: case self::TYPE_DATE_FUTURE: case self::TYPE_DATE_YEARMONTH: case self::TYPE_DATE_YEARMONTH_FUTURE: if (!isset ($val)) { if (!is_numeric ($this->Value)) $val = strtotime ($this->Value); else $val = $this->Value; } if (($val !== false) && ($val !== null) && ($val != 0)) { $Day = date ('d', $val); $Month = date ('m', $val); $Year = date ('Y', $val); } else { $Day = 0; $Month = 0; $Year = 0; } if (!isset ($buf)) $buf = ''; if (in_array ($this->Type, array (self::TYPE_DATE, self::TYPE_DATE_FUTURE, self::TYPE_DATETIME, self::TYPE_DATETIME_FUTURE))) { $buf .= '.'; } $buf .= '.'; return $buf; case self::TYPE_HIDDEN: return ''; case self::TYPE_CURRENCY_EURO: case self::TYPE_CURRENCY_CENT: case self::TYPE_FLOAT: case self::TYPE_NUMBER: case self::TYPE_TEXT: case self::TYPE_CUSTOM: case self::TYPE_STATIC: if ($this->Type == self::TYPE_CURRENCY_EURO) $Value = sprintf ('%01.2f' ,$this->Value); elseif ($this->Type == self::TYPE_FLOAT) $Value = sprintf ('%f', $this->Value); elseif (($this->Type == self::TYPE_NUMBER) || ($this->Type == self::TYPE_CURRENCY_CENT)) $Value = strval (intval ($this->Value)); else $Value = htmlentities ($this->Value, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8'); return 'Type == self::TYPE_STATIC ? ' readonly="1" enabled="0"' : '') . $JS . ' />' . ($this->Type == self::TYPE_CURRENCY_EURO ? ' €' : ($this->Type == self::TYPE_CURRENCY_CENT ? ' Cent': '')); default: trigger_error (twIf_i18n::getText ('Could not generate control of type %s', $this->Type)); return ''; } } // }}} // {{{ hasPostValue /** * Check if there was a value posted for this control * * @param bool $AllowEmpty (optional) Allow empty strings (default) * * @access public * @return bool **/ public function hasPostValue ($AllowEmpty = true) { if ($this->IgnorePostValue) return false; switch ($this->Type) { case self::TYPE_SET: # We assume always true here - Improve this! return true; case self::TYPE_DATETIME: case self::TYPE_DATETIME_FUTURE: return isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_h']) && isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_i']) && isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_s']) && isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_d']) && isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m']) && isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_y']) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_h'] >= 0) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_h'] < 24) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_i'] >= 0) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_i'] < 60) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_s'] >= 0) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_s'] < 60) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_d'] > 0) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_d'] < 32) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m'] > 0) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m'] < 13) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_y'] > 1900); case self::TYPE_DATE: case self::TYPE_DATE_FUTURE: return isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_d']) && isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m']) && isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_y']) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_d'] > 0) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_d'] < 32) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m'] > 0) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m'] < 13) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_y'] > 1900); case self::TYPE_DATE_YEARMONTH: case self::TYPE_DATE_YEARMONTH_FUTURE: return isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m']) && isset ($_POST [$this->Name . '_y']) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m'] > 0) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m'] < 13) && ($_POST [$this->Name . '_y'] > 1900); case self::TYPE_UPLOAD: return (isset ($_FILES [$this->Name]) && ($_FILES [$this->Name]['size'] > 0)); case self::TYPE_UPDOWNLOAD: if (($this->downloadValue !== null) || (isset ($_FILES [$this->Name . 'up']) && ($_FILES [$this->Name . 'up']['size'] > 0))) return true; if ((strlen ($_POST [$this->Name . 'url']) == 0) || (strpos ($_POST [$this->Name . 'url'], '://') === false)) return false; $curl = curl_init (); curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'twIf/widget-control'); curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $_POST [$this->Name . 'url']); if (!($Value = curl_exec ($curl))) { trigger_error ('URL given, but download failed: ' . $_POST [$this->Name . 'url']); return false; } curl_close ($curl); $this->downloadValue = $Value; return true; case self::TYPE_BOOL_CHECKBOX: return true; // Checkboxes are assumed as "always there" (but may be false) } return (isset ($_POST [$this->Name]) && (($_POST [$this->Name] != '') || $AllowEmpty)); } // }}} // {{{ ignorePostValue /** * Make the control claim to have no post-value * * @param bool $Set (optional) * * @access public * @return void **/ public function ignorePostValue ($Set = true) { $this->IgnorePostValue = $Set; } // }}} // {{{ getPostValue /** * Retrive the posted value for this control * * @access public * @return string **/ public function getPostValue () { if (!$this->hasPostValue ()) return null; if (isset ($_POST [$this->Name])) $Value = stripslashes ($_POST [$this->Name]); else $Value = ''; switch ($this->Type) { case self::TYPE_DATETIME: case self::TYPE_DATETIME_FUTURE: return mktime (intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_h']), intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_i']), intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_s']), intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m']), intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_d']), intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_y'])); case self::TYPE_DATE: case self::TYPE_DATE_FUTURE: return mktime (0, 0, 0, intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m']), intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_d']), intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_y'])); case self::TYPE_DATE_YEARMONTH: case self::TYPE_DATE_YEARMONTH_FUTURE: return mktime (0, 0, 0, intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_m']), 1, intval ($_POST [$this->Name . '_y'])); case self::TYPE_UPDOWNLOAD: if ($this->downloadValue !== null) return $this->downloadValue; $SourceName = $this->Name . 'up'; case self::TYPE_UPLOAD: if (!isset ($SourceName)) $SourceName = $this->Name; // Try to read contents of uploaded file if (is_resource ($f = @fopen ($_FILES [$SourceName]['tmp_name'], 'r'))) { $Value = fread ($f, $_FILES [$SourceName]['size']); fclose ($f); } // Always try to remove the uploaded file @unlink ($_FILES [$SourceName]['tmp_name']); return $Value; case self::TYPE_SET: require_once ('twIf/widget/table.php'); return twIf_Widget_Table::filterSelected ($this->Items); } return $this->processValue ($Value); } // }}} // {{{ processValue /** * Try to convert a given value according to our type * * @param mixed $Value * * @access public * @return mixed **/ public function processValue ($Value) { if (($this->Type == self::TYPE_ENUM_LIST) || ($this->Type == self::TYPE_ENUM)) { if (isset ($this->Items [$Value])) return $Value; return array_search ($Value, $this->Items); } return twIf_Object_Access::formatNativeType ($Value, $this->Type); } // }}} // {{{ getName /** * Retrive the name of this control * * @access public * @return string **/ public function getName () { return $this->Name; } // }}} // {{{ getType /** * Retrive the type of this control * * @access public * @return enum **/ public function getType () { return $this->Type; } // }}} } ?>