class twIf_Widget_Listbox extends twIf_Object_Access {
public static function generateListbox ($Items, $Definition = array (), $Link = null, $GroupBy = null) {
// Check if there are any items for output
if (!is_array ($Items) || (count ($Items) == 0))
// Peak the first item
foreach ($Items as $First)
// Check if there is a special definition for image-output
if (isset ($Definition ['_Image'])) {
$ImageDefintion = parent::parseFieldDef ('_Image', $Definition ['_Image'], $First, 0, true);
unset ($Definition ['_Image']);
} else
$ImageDefintion = null;
// Start the output
$buf = "
\n" .
// Prepare the groups
if ($GroupBy === null)
$Groups = array ($Items);
else {
$Groups = array ();
$gDef = null;
foreach ($Items as $Item) {
// Parse pointer to group
if ($gDef === null)
$gDef = self::parseFieldDef ('Group', array ('Read' => $GroupBy), $Item, 0, true);
// Get the group from object
$Group = self::getFieldValue ($Item, $gDef, true);
if (is_object ($Group)) {
if (is_callable (array ($Group, 'getName')))
$Group = $Group->getName ();
elseif (is_callable (array ($Group, 'toString')))
$Group = $Group->toString ();
elseif (is_callable (array ($Group, '__toString')))
$Group = $Group->__toString ();
$Group = strval ($Group);
// Append item to group
if (!isset ($Groups [$Group]))
$Groups [$Group] = array ();
$Groups [$Group][] = $Item;
// Output every item
foreach ($Groups as $Caption=>$Items) {
// Output caption of group
if ($onGroup = ((count ($Groups) > 1) || !is_numeric ($Caption)))
$buf .= '
' . twIf_i18n::getText ($Caption) . "
// Output all items on group
foreach ($Items as $Item) {
$buf .= "
\n" .
($Link !== null ? '
\n" : '');
// Output image if there is such definition
if ($haveImage = ($ImageDefintion !== null)) {
$tagOrURL = parent::getFieldValue ($Item, $ImageDefintion, true);
// Check wheter to append image-tag
if (substr ($tagOrURL, 0, 4) != '
$buf .= ' ' . $tagOrURL . "
\n" .
" \n";
// Output everything else
$Suffix = '';
foreach ($Definition as $Key=>$Def) {
if (!isset ($Def ['_parsed']))
$Definition [$Key]['_parsed'] = $Def ['_parsed'] = parent::parseFieldDef ($Key, $Def, $Item, 0, true);
$Prefix = ($haveImage ? ' ' : '') . ' ';
$Value = parent::formatOutput (parent::getFieldValue ($Item, $Def ['_parsed'], true), $Def ['_parsed']['Type'], $Def ['_parsed']['Default'], $Prefix, $Suffix);
$buf .= $Value . "\n";
$buf .= ($haveImage ? '
' : '') .
($Link !== null ? "\n" : '') .
if ($onGroup)
$buf .= "\n";
// Finish the output
$buf .= "\n" .
\n" .
return $buf;