* @revision 05 * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/ Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany * @homepage http://oss.tiggerswelt.net/xmpp * @copyright Copyright © 2008 tiggersWelt.net */ /** * Features of this library * * + Partial support of RFC 3920 and 3921 (this will be better in the near future) * + Support for the following XEP's: * - [e] XEP-0012 Last Activity * - [i] XEP-0078 Non-SASL Authentication * - [e] XEP-0090 Entity Time * - [e] XEP-0091 Delayed delivery * - [e] XEP-0092 Software Version * - [i] XEP-0114 Jabber Component Protocol (accept-method only) * - [i] XEP-0199 XMPP Ping * - [e] XEP-0202 Entity Time (new version) * - [e] XEP-0203 Delayed delivery * + No external requirements beside PHP 5 * + Easy to use callback- and namespace-handling * * ToDo * + RFC 3921/07 Roster-Management * + RFC 3921/10 Privacylists * + RFC 3920/06 SASL Authentication (maybe PECL SASL?) * - RFC 3920/07 Ressource Binding * + Generic Server (sockets, etc.) * - RFC 3920/08 Server Dialback * * + XEP 0009 Jabber RPC * + XEP 0054 vCard-temp (in progress) * + XEP 0128 Service Discovery Extensions * * + Move XEP 0199 to an external class */ require_once ("tiggerXMPP/stream.php"); class XMPP_Stream extends tiggerXMPP_Stream { } ?>